sob tactical

Sheriff of Baghdad Boot Kit | SOB Tactical

Essential Supplies in My Go Bag

Mercedes Revel Van Tour - John 'Shrek' McPhee

P-Tools coming back in stock to SOB Tactical this week 🥳🤩

What Are My Favorite Boots?

SOB Tactical P Tool Unboxing.

Concealed Carry Pro Tip!!

New Product Alert: Tactical Cooling Shemagh

Burning Cars - John 'Shrek' McPhee #buringcars #fyp #sobtactical #specialforces #thermite #army

Travel Security Philosophy - John 'Shrek' McPhee- Delta Operator

I Use This Thing Every Day

Home Security Early Warning - John 'Shrek' McPhee

Learn safe & efficient rifle-to-pistol transitions with John McPhee

What would I tell my younger self? - John 'Shrek' McPhee #sobtactical #army #specialforces #army

What’s Most Important - John “Shrek” McPhee #fyp #sobtv #sobtactical #specialforces #army #value


Staying Physically & Mentally Fit While Deployed

Zeroing… why 3, why 5 rounds?

How To Handle CHAZ

Decoding Targets to Fix Common Errors

Class Gifts - SOB Brand - John “Shrek” McPhee

Cleanliness is the only thing we succeeded over the Russians in Afghanistan | John Shrek McPhee #usa

Using Fear to Your Advantage with John 'Shrek' McPhee

Earning my purple belt